Clearing Basic Concepts of AI

Darsh Jasani
5 min readApr 2, 2021

AI is new electricity

This quote from professor Andrew Ng is itself fascinating. Just think how electricity in past fews decades has changed the our way of living, no more we have to live in dark and not much dependent on seasons also. Modern world in now running on electricity and if AI is new electricity, just imagine how future world would look like, human and robots / AI-powered computer-machines would work together in different difficult problems which if human try to solve alone would have taken more decades then human and AI combined in areas like Space Exploration, Climate Changes, Vaccine Formula and many more.

This blog is all about the basic but important concepts clarity when AI first strike in your mind. Let’s get started :) Have a look on below picture and think, what it actually means.

So you got some idea of it by looking at the above picture. Now let us dive deep into it by clearing basic definition of it and relate with real life example for more understanding, clarity, usefulness etc :):)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) :-

Basically, it is simulation of human intelligence using computers. How human thinks behaves in a particular situations or a problem. That’s AI in simple words. In another words, AI refers to ability of computer or any machine to mimic the capabilities of human mind i.e., learning from examples and experience, making decision, solving a problem. Now let us go to type of AI.

A) Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI):-

In this type of AI, we focus on one particular thing like self driving car, smart speakers or AI to do web search. It is trained to do a specific task, to do it very well better then us also :). They are just like one trick shot, when we do it they look incredible awesome and are highly valuable. It is also know as Weak AI.

B) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):-

In this AI performs multiple intelligence task with same accuracy level like us. We are still in ANI and so example for this would be like JARVIS from movie Iron man or Terminator movie series.

C) Artificial Strong Intelligence (ASI):-

This AI will be better then us. They will be more accurate then us in different tasks. Simply they will surpass human intelligence. Here example would be main robot in movie I,Robot. That is strong AI.

Also based upon functionalities of AI, we have Reactive Machines (doesn’t have any memory just react to particular moves/situations) like chess or AlphaGo playing machines and Limited Memory (store data for particular time) like self driving car and Theory of Mind like interaction socially with humans and Self Awareness like having consciousness. Both Theory of Mind and Self Awareness are theoretical concepts and will be future of AI.

Machine Learning (ML) :-

Machine Learning is branch of AI where we us different statistical algorithm to learn from the Data, Information we have. We use this algorithms to make future predictions to get some insights. Machine Learning is a way, a tool through which we are achieving Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is a big picture whereas Machine Learning is subset of it. For example, Google use Machine Learning to detect whether a email is a spam or not . Self driving cars, Digital Personal Assistant, Advancements in Health Sector and more are some of the real life examples of Machine Learning.

Deep Learning (DL) :-

Deep Learning is subset of Machine Learning. Here we use a concept know as Artificial Neural Networks, a highly interconnected layered structure which is inspired by human brain mostly used to predict visual data like face recognition or a digit or a colour recogniser.

Real life example of DL would be Amazon’s Alexa which use DL to convert speech into text and then give the result of it. Also, Object detections and Image Analysis and Caption Generation more examples of Deep Learning.

Schematic representation of a deep neural network, showing how more complex visual features are captured in deeper layers (by Larry Brown at NVIDIA)

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Data :-

In AI, Data can be anything image, audio, text, video, tabular data (Datasets), from which we can take value out of it , a mean from looking a the dataset provided. Also data is messy :) i.e., you may heard of phrase Garbage In Garbage Out which mean if you have bad data then AI model won’t learn inaccurate things which waste of time and money.

There are two type of Data namely Structured Data which are dataset which lives in a giant spreadsheet and Unstructured Data which are in forms of image, audio , text and there certain type of AI techniques that could work with images to recognise cats, audio to recognise text.

Data Science :-

Data Science is field of study that combines statistics and maths and programming skills in Python , R and domain expertise to extract meaningful insights from data. Simply it is a study of data. Data Scientist uses various tools to extract meaningful information out of given datasets.

Hope you have got some idea of AI now and your all basic concepts have been cleared by now. Yaa!! This was about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data, Data Science that i know. Also hoping you have enjoyed reading the blog:) Do share within your friends circle because network is more important then net-worth. Do not forget to 👏, it will really motivate to me. Stay Safe and Stay Happy✨

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